Schedule Changes Take Hold at MMS

Schedule Changes Take Hold at MMS

Some changes to the schedule have made a stir at Middlesex this year.

In place of homeroom, a new “Flex” period has been added to the schedule, moving from the start of the day to directly after second period. Teachers say that the new period has been added to promote social emotional learning, give students a break during the day, and give students free time to read or finish homework assignments before study hall.  Many students like the change, as it allows for more study time during the day and additional opportunities to check in with teachers.

Sixth graders such as Isabella M., Orange Team, says that she “likes how the activities in flex change each day.”

However, others have slightly different opinions. Livy M., Orange Team, says that she thinks that the “Flex” Period should be at the beginning and end of the day instead of after second period.

Remi R., Orange Team, says that she just wants to read during Flex, rather than having SEL (Social Emotional Learning) or “Study Hall”.

Since the start of school, the arrangement of these activities has already changed. The newest schedule, with S.T.A.R. (Sit Together And Read) on Mondays and Fridays, Academic Support/Study Hall on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and S.E.L. on Wednesdays, seems to be a popular change.

Another change to the schedule was the addition of recess. Before or after lunch, students are given the option to either stay inside and silently do homework and catch up on a good book, or go outside to catch some well deserved fresh air. This change was added to the schedule when the school principal, Mrs. Shelley Somers, heard from numerous  students that they wanted to have recess in middle school also. So recess was added to the schedule.

While it presents some logistical problems for teachers, the extra social time seems to be very popular with students. Students interviewed generally expressed enthusiasm regarding the option of recess during their study period.  

Charlotte W. on the Gold Team, who thinks that recess is “a good idea on Mrs. Somers’ part” and that everyone “needs a chance to run around during a long day at school.”

Jacob H. on the Aqua Team considers this change “a good way to refresh outside and get ready for the next part of the day.”

Ellie B. on the Blue Team stated, “we can be very energetic” and that it’s “a good time to socialize, too.”

Sounds like the option of recess is almost universally well-received as a way to socialize and release energy. Students feel this is an overall good idea and a great addition to the school.

With all the new changes to the MMS schedule, only time can tell as we get farther into the school year, whether or not there will be more changes at Middlesex Middle School.