Ian Harper – Photographer Interview
What is it like to be a professional photographer?

Ian Harper is a self-taught photographer mainly known for taking the photos on the official canon camera Instagram. He has traveled across the world visiting over fifteen countries and three continents and is always ready to take photos at a moments notice. I had the opportunity to ask him some questions.
Kaitlin: First of all, how long have you been doing photography?
Ian: 3 years
Kaitlin: What made you decide that would wanted to pursue being a photographer?
Ian: I was travelling and was inspired by the beauty of the world wishing I could capture it and so I got myself a camera.
Kaitlin:What is your favourite part about being a photographer?
Ian: Exploring new places and meeting new people.
Kaitlin: What has been your favorite place to take pictures?
Ian: Barcelona from above
Kaitlin: What is one place you hope to travel to one day?
Ian: China, Canada, India!
Kaitlin: Last question, what is one piece of advice you would give to someone just starting out in photography?
Ian: Enjoy it and have fun.
You can check out some of his photos on the official Canon Camera Instagram site and to those photographers out there, listen to Ian’s advice and have fun!