Macedonian Empire

Alexander The Great

Alexander the Great (356-323 B.C.) was king of Macedonia and one of the greatest generals in history. He conquered the Persian Empire, which stretched from the Mediterranean Sea to India and formed much of what was then considered the civilized world. Alexander’s conquests furthered the spread of Greek culture in western Asia and Egypt. In the spring of 323 B.C., Alexander became seriously ill with a fever at Babylon. He also suffered from exhaustion and the effects of several battle wounds. He died at the age of 32 on June 13, 323 B.C. His body was placed in a golden coffin, later replaced by a glass coffin, in a tomb at Alexandria.


Alexander the Great conquered the Persian Empire, which stretched from the Mediterranean Sea to India and formed much of what was then considered the civilized world. Alexander’s conquests furthered the spread of Greek culture in western Asia and Egypt. And the Empire of Alexander the Great fell after he died his relatives fought over the land and eventually around 300 B.C. his empire was split into 3  powerful states led by his 3 leading generals.


The Economy/ Government of Alexander the  Great’s empire was Democracy as in it had an established language for his empire and established a  solid currency.